You’ve finally gotten out of the house, finally made your marriage a priority, miraculously chosen a restaurant, maybe found a sitter for the kids, and arranged your schedules to make time for each other. Now you sit in front of each other and wonder what to say that isn’t about finances, the kids, work, the in laws or politics. You know you’re not supposed to talk about those things, but what else is there to talk about!?!
Make this date night count by reconnecting on a deeper level. Take some time to ask each other questions that evoke emotion and connection. I’ve listed some questions below to get you started, and I bet you can think of even better ones once you open up your mind and heart. Before you start remember the goal of this is to learn more about each other and to grow closer together. It’s OK to disagree, in fact it’s quite normal to have different hopes and dreams, and its part of what makes you a great complimentary pair.
Where do you see us in two years from now?
In what ways do you think we are similar?
What’s a personal dream of yours?
Where’s a place we should plan on traveling together in our lifetime?
What attracted you to me when we first met or started dating?
What was it like to be married to me this past week?
What’s a personal disappointment or struggle you’ve experienced over the past month or year?
What are a 2 or 3 things that are on your bucket list?
How can I do a better job supporting you on a regular basis?
What are you most fearful of or worried about?
Is there a way we can serve our neighborhood, church, community or our world together?
What do you want to do when you retire?
Who is someone that you admire as a person either in your life now or someone that is famous?
How has our relationship changed and evolved for the better over the years?
If you could have any job in the world what would it be?
Who is someone that has positively influenced your life, and how?
How can i best show you that i love you?
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